Friday 30 March 2007

Event Junkies

I had an interesting conversation with John Kee (Summer Madness) yesterday. We got around to talking about 'Event Junkie Christians.' I guess what we were meaning by that term was Christians whose walk with God revolves around attending big events like Mannafest, Summer Madness etc. We all know people like this, they always respond to appeals, they make huge committments at these events, but they never go anywhere, that is until the next big event.
I've been thinking about this. What really struck me is that we have thrust this label upon young Christians, teenagers etc while the truth is there are just as many 'grown-up' believers who are event junkies! If I am honest I probably know more adults who's spiritual life and growth is dependent upon attending big events, conferences and Bible weeks, such as New Horizon, Northfield and Castlewellan. Actually quite often that can be me.
All of these programmes are amazing, Mannafest, SM, New Horizon, they all rock, but I guess what they highlight is that as Christians one of the things we struggle to do, is to follow Jesus, in an ongoing, personal, transformational relationship. We need a big fix! Why is that? Any ideas?

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