Friday, 6 April 2007

Stepping out in faith

Ain't it great what God does when we step out in faith? We bumped into the future First Minister of Northern Ireland recently in a story you can read about here. When we took that spontaneous spirit-led(?)step across the road to thank him for what we believe is a postive step for the future, we didn't know what it would lead to. In a subsequent TV interview Dr. Paisley mentioned the meeting, and confessed that afterwards "he wept" because he had been so moved by it and by the thought of the future for our young people. That in turn led to Steven being interviewed on the Stephen Nolan radio show ("the biggest show in the country!") about the experience and also about his hopes for the future.* It was a great opportunity to put across a positive Christian viewpoint to a wide audience. All because we stepped out across the road!

There's got to be a moral or sermon in there!

* We're hoping to get the interview online. We'll let you know if/when we do.


dave wiggins said...

that's a great story. class.

Unknown said...

Just lovin the stuff comin out of YFC at the mo, very encouraging...